COSUGI Conference

This year's theme was Reconnect as we once again held an in-person conference and reconnected!

COSUGI 2024 was held in Provo, UT, March 6-8, 2024 at the Utah Valley Convention Center.  


2024 Exhibitor List


Conference slides can be found here!


First time conference attendee scholarship winner:

Congratulations to 
Dino Giallourakis, IT Manager for Pinellas Public Library Cooperative


Congratulations to our two early bird registration winners:
 Nicholas Jones from Farmington Public Library
Jada Maxwell from Old Colony Library Network (OCLN).


Meet your Conference Committee!

Note, presentations and other information for earlier COSUGI conferences can be found in the "Past Conference Archives."


PDF icon COSUGI 2024 Schedule.pdf79.76 KB
PDF icon COSUGI Exhibitors.pdf1.62 MB