Below are the Board Candidates for the 2018-2019 year.
Name: Teddy Claypool
Title: Automation Manager
Library: Kanawha County Public Library
I am the Automation manager for a consortium of public and school libraries in West Virginia. I have served on two previous occasions as the SIG/RUG Liaison and currently as Membership and Communications chair. During that time I have had the opportunity to work with not just the SirsiDynix board, but the membership of COSUGI as well. I would like the opportunity to continue to serve libraries of all types.
Name: Michael Engelbrecht
Title: Library Automation Systems Analyst
Library: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
I’ve attended the conference for 10 years and believe in what COSUGI represents. I want to help continue the growth and success of OUR organization.
Conference Chair-Elect
Name: Cherie Hohertz
Title: Dean of University Libraries and Research
Library: University of Dallas Library
Cherie Hohertz is the Dean of University Libraries and Research at the University of Dallas. Prior to becoming dean, she was the systems administrator, starting on Classic Dynix, migrating to Horizon, and now on Symphony. She has served as the Chair of the South Central Unified Users Group (SCUUG), the users group serving Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Membership & Communications
Name: Lynn Bertino
Title: Systems Manager
Library: Wake County Public Library
As a previous board member, I was part of the team that designed and implemented the COSUGI website in 2015. I thoroughly enjoyed working on the site and I have some ideas for further enhancement such as adding a Jobs Announcement section and coming up with new ways for our members to share ideas. I also will look for ways beyond the website to keep COSUGI members informed about actions of the Board and news for SirsiDynix.
Membership & Communications
Name: Saima Kadir
Title: Senior Manager, Digital Strategies
Library: Houston Public Library
Social media/tech savvy librarian seeks to serve on the COSUGI board to serve its conference attendees and keep them informed in a timely and entertaining manner.
SIG/RUG Liaison
Name: Vickie Shumate
Title: Catalog Librarian
Library: Lubbock Public Library
This is not going to be your typical candidate statement. It will not be full of promises and lofty goals for the SIG/RUG Liaison. I am running again for the COSUGI board after considerable introspection and thought. I come into this with my eyes wide open and knowing the challenges I will face along the way. I know it will require ore hours of work and time than could ever be anticipated. Why run then, you ask. I am running specifically because of these things. I am running because I love Sirsi. Most of all I am running because every decision we make, every obstacle overcome and every objective reached, gets us one-step closer to being the organization projected long ago. I am proud to be part of Sirsi and COSUGI and if you will have me, I will work to make this an organization we can all be proud to say we are a part of.
Name: Christopher Gorsuch
Title: Head, Collection Management Services
Library: LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library System
I am looking forward to serving again as secretary for this excellent organization, and its members.
Name: Janet Silvernail
Title: IT Manager
Library: Mobile Public Library
I am the IT Manager at the Mobile Public Library. My library has been a SirsiDynix customer since 1989. I have managed our ILS-Symphony at my library since 1991 and also manage our network, servers and computers. Serving on the COSUGI board would provide an opportunity to assist with managing the organization and working to improve the conference and working as an advocate for SirsiDynix customers to improve software.