Q: I just agreed to be a forum moderator. What do I do now?
Q: How often should I check the forums?
Q: Who do I contact at SirsiDynix if I have a question or need information verified?
Q: Does SirsiDynix monitor the forums on a regular basis? If so, who?
Q: What if the discussion on a topic generates a new idea worthy of its own thread?
Q: What if something is posted to the wrong forum?
Q: How do I decide which enhancements to submit to SirsiDynix?
Q: How should I prepare for my forum’s request for submission for the annual voting cycle?
Q: How many proposed enhancements can I submit to SirsiDynix?
Q: Is there a strict timeframe after which unresolved requests are removed?
Q: What do I need to do after the SirsiDynix's Enhancement Request review is complete?
Q: In case I’m asked, how will we know whether or when a submitted enhancement will become reality?
Q: I just agreed to be a forum moderator. What do I do now?
A: You’ve taking the proper first step by reading these questions and answers. You should also browse through the requests in your forum, paying attention to any with current and past COSUGI balloting cycles (those with status of Open, JIRA, and Done).
Q: How often should I check the forums?
A: As moderator, you should probably set aside a little time each day to check your forum. The longer you wait to check, the more postings you’ll have to read, to the point where it can become unmanageable. Obviously, a forum that is not all that busy may not need checking as often.
Q: Who do I contact at SirsiDynix if I have a question or need information verified?
A: Moderators should start by contacting the request’s author for clarification. You can also contact the COSUGI Enhancements Coordinator.
Q: What do I do if a person posts information that I know to be patently wrong? Am I responsible for correcting the error?
A: Sometimes a user may post incorrect information either as an original post or as a response to someone else’s post. If this happens and you know the information is incorrect, you may, but do not have to, post a polite correction. (However, someone should post a correction, so that the misinformation is not left out there to fester.) In some cases, you may feel the need to verify your assumptions with SirsiDynix. If this is the case, contact your Technical Product Manager.
Q: Does SirsiDynix monitor the forums on a regular basis? If so, who?
A: Yes, the SirsiDynix Product Managers review the postings on a regular basis, but mostly as passive participants. SirsiDynix regularly looks at the requests for trends and possible additions that are in line with current development.
Q: What would I do if a person submitted something that is inappropriate in terms of subject matter or content?
A: As moderator, you have the ability to edit any post on your forum. Please use this power sparingly. It is a good idea to contact the poster privately and explain why the posting was edited. You can also add your own clarifying comments to the request. In some cases you may need to verify your assumptions with SirsiDynix. If that is the case, contact the COSUGI Enhancements Coordinator.
Q: What if the discussion on a topic generates a new idea worthy of its own thread?
A: If the discussion on one topic spawns a new idea worthy of its own thread, or involves discussion of two requests that need to be considered separately, it may be time to split the thread. Add applicable comments and split the request into its separate requests with a note in the original forum.
Q: What if something is posted to the wrong forum?
A: If a post is entered into the wrong forum, correct the forum topic(s) to move it to the correct forum and notify the author.
Q: How do I decide which enhancements to submit to SirsiDynix?
A: In general, you want to select the polls with the highest enthusiasm and the highest number of votes. However, some evaluation will be needed for each submissions and the process may vary slightly for each moderator. Forums will not only have the votes, but also the views, polling results and comments to determine the most valued requests. If requests are markedly similar, moderators may consider combining them into one submission. Additionally, moderators should review product roadmaps to see if a request is already imminently planned for a product release. Each of these issues will factor into the final selections.
Q: How should I prepare for my forum’s request for submission for the annual voting cycle?
A: During the annual COSUGI voting cycle, all eligible forums will have an activated voting option. When the deadline is passed, you will review the requests to determine which requests received the most requests.
When you compile your list of the top vote getters and prepare your recommendations to be discussed with the moderators group at the Enhancements Forum Review. At that time the group will decide upon the requests to submit to SirsiDynix.
Q: How many proposed enhancements can I submit to SirsiDynix?
A: This differs each year. This information will be released prior to the voting deadline.
Q: I noticed that some moderators announce their proposed enhancements on the forum or the mailing lists as they are submitted to SirsiDynix. Is this required?
A: No, but participants in your forum or on the relevant mailing list might be interested in seeing which proposed enhancements will be moving on to the next phase.
Q: Who attends the Enhancement Forum Review?
A: Representatives from various departments at SirsiDynix including Software Development, Technical Product Managers, and the Vice President for Product Development.
Q: Is there a strict timeframe after which unresolved requests are removed?
No. Threads that were not submitted as part of the annual COSUGI voting cycle will be removed at least 60 months after the date of the original posting. Submitted and completed enhancements will be kept after being marked "Done" by SirsiDynix. Alternately, if the SirsiDynix reply to the submitted enhancement is that it cannot be implemented, at least 24 months from posting of the SirsiDynix reply.
Q: What do I need to do after the Enhancement Forum Review is complete?
A: For any suggested enhancements that SirsiDynix declined to implement for which you believe there will be continued interest from the customer base, will remain in an open status. You may want to add comments that it was not selected in that voting cycle. Also, you can reach out to the original author and ask a question or two to direct discussion towards re-working the enhancement wording so that it will be more likely to be accepted by SirsiDynix the next time it makes it into the forum's top enhancements list.
Q: In case I’m asked, how will we know whether or when a submitted enhancement will become reality?
A: After a submitted request has completed the voting cycle and has been submitted to SirsiDynix, Product managers will assign requests a JIRA number to indicate they are in development. If it is something they cannot do or if it is something they believe will adversely affect some customers, they will explain their position. Sometimes they will ask for clarification or suggest alternatives. If the enhancement is scheduled for a future release, they will post, whenever possible, the projected version number or timeframe. When an enhancement is included in a release that has gone into production, the submitted enhancement will be marked Done and the JIRA will display version number will be indicated.